Advanced Features

API Framework's concepts are straightforward: There are APIs and there are Endpoints. But behind the scenes the are multiple advanced features available for the developers.

Advanced features in API Framework

Here's a collection of advances features which API Framework provides for the developers creating OpenAPI backends in .NET.

Reusable APIs using Plugins

API Framework provides a full support for reusable APIs through its support for plugins. This functionality is provided by Plugin Framework. Thanks to Plugin Framework, APIs can be created using POCOs, Roslyn and Delegates and then shared easily using Nuget.

Runtime Changes

APIs and endpoints can be configured runtime, when the application is running. No need to restart the system to add a new endpoint.

API Factories

API Framework's power comes from the API Factories. The API Factory allows the creation of an API runtime. This often includes code generation.

Async JSON Streams

API Framework has a built-in support for returning IAsyncEnumerable from APIs. This helps with the TTFB as the client receives the first bytes of the response quickly.

Health Checks

Each endpoint can be monitored using a health check.

Built-in Admin Endpoints

API Framework comes with built-in Admin endpoints. These can be used to monitor the status of the system or to add and remove endpoints runtime.